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Captain Steele can gain stat increases during the course of the game. There are different ways of gaining stats, including though character creation, character leveling, or the interaction with items, NPC events and other means. The Clydesdale K7 had the following adjustments to its stats: Thrust:+35, Agility: -5, Sensors: +15, Module Capacity: +2. The imagepack has a new image for Kiro’s transformation. It isn’t a perfect match, but should be close enough.

Recent Journal

20/20 Free Doodles

9 months ago
EDIT: All finished! Check out the final pics here:

As some of you may know, every April I celebrate my birthday by drawing free doodles for the kind folk who enjoy my smut. While I can't get to all of them, I encourage each and every person to submit an idea or two so I've got plenty to choose from. Please make sure they're pornographic in some way (or at least very silly). I won't be doing anything static like reference sheets, so keep it smutty! Also, nothing 'birthday-themed,' if you please. (Also worth noting, these are just doodles. Try to suggest simple ideas, nothing that'd require like 5 characters in elaborate poses or whatever). Also, linking references in your comment would be great!
I'll read through 'em, pick a handful I like, and draw them up on Saturday, April 11th. If you'd like to join me to chat and watch them being drawn, you'll be able to do so pretty much all day at:
Hope to see you then!

Trials In Tainted Space Stat Gain

This is my attempt at creating a comprehensive collection of artists and artworks whom/which are associated with Fenoxo's and his affiliate's games, specifically Corruption of Champions and Trials in Tainted Space. Kingdom rush endless pc. Please be advised that the artworks and the games in general are heavily related to/based on 18+ content. A save editor for the game Trials in Tainted Space. TiTsEd allows you to edit your character's stats, and possibly other things in the future. Requires, at least, Windows XP (which means it also works with: Vista, 7, 8, and 10) and the.NET Framework 4 (full or client profile). Trials in Tainted Space. Contribute to Terridan/Trials-in-Tainted-Space development by creating an account on GitHub. 8,453 commits Files Permalink. Failed to load latest commit information. Latest commit message.



The Usual Suspects


'Never Knows Best'

a month ago
Heya, Adj. Will try and catch your streams more often, but I get reaaaally easily distracted.
4 months ago
6 months ago
Glad to see that you made planet folders! It's much easier to find pictures now. c:
7 months ago
8 months ago
Since you're one of TiTS' premier artists, do you think we could get some TiTS folders of characters that appera on a planet by planet basis?
8 months ago
I love your artwork and the game <3 Keep up the amazing work
a year ago
a year ago
a year ago
a year ago
Curious question, you created Vala the fairy, right?
2 years ago
You're in danger of getting in serious trouble with the FA moderators. Send me a note and I'll explain how, as well as how to fix it.
2 years ago
Where can I find your beautiful Slyveren lady busts?

Intelligence is one of the Core Stats Steele and other creatures have. It represents general mental aptitude as well as overall mechanical and technical skill. In practice, Intelligence is vital for Tech Specialists, which have several perks and abilities that rely on it - unless you have the Fuck Sense perk, which changes the requirement to Libido. However, there are many interactions that involve technology and/mental acuity which benefit from having a high intelligence, making it a useful stat for all classes.

Trials In Tainted Space Stats

Increasing Intelligence

During character creation, the Bookworm upbringing increases this stat by two while Athletic decreases it by one. Choosing Intelligence Affinity increases starting Intelligence by one in addition Trials in tainted space dragon morph. to making it easier to increase the stat later on through gameplay. However, it does not affect any static increases added through level-ups. Due to the stat cap for level one characters being five, these bonuses only partially stack, allowing you to start with anywhere from two to five Intelligence.

Trials in tainted space codes

After character creation, Intelligence is generally more difficult to increase than physical stats are but various items and events still have a chance of increasing it. Note that this list may be incomplete. Download sw tanaka t22 hd jurassic 2018.

  • Most but potentially not all transformatives that increase it tend to be slow, chance-based, have an upper limit, and decrease other stats in the process. They include:
    • Crackle Jelly(Note that this is currently unobtainable)
  • Playing chess with Semith will slowly increase Intelligence. However, as this can only be done once per day, it is a very slow method.
  • Playing Caves & Cryptids with Yoma will slowly increase Intelligence.
  • One of Syri's talk scenes slowly increase Intelligence. To trigger it, have sex with her at least once then visit the bar in the morning. Once in her interaction screen, holding down the 1 key skips through all of her talk scenes extremely quickly, effectively causing a constant and extremely fast intelligence gain until it's maxed out. Considering how easy this method is, however, it will likely be removed in the future.
  • Note: 'Drug Fucked'perk will half intelligence gains
  • Note: 'Weak Mind'perk will double intelligence losses
  • Cum highs status effect reduce Intelligence by 1-3

Trials In Tainted Space Status

  • 'Dumb4Cum'perk
    • Increase Max intelligence by (2 * Level)
    • Increase intelligence by (2 * Level)
    • After 24 hours without drinking cum
      • Reduce intelligence by 1 for every hour without cum after 24th hour
      • Increase Additive Minimum Lust by 1 for every hour without cum after 24th hour
    • After drinking cum
      • Restore intelligence to normal
      • Reduce Additive Minimum Lust to normal
  • Horse Pill
    • Intelligence more than 25%
    • Reduce intelligence by 1
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